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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Google represses Flickr Images!

Google has relegated images from Flickr to the bottom pages if they are to be seen at all from a Flickr image search. If a search is done for "popular toys of the 1940s" on Bing the image above will be shown. Not so for a Google image search where the image does not show up at all. See the differences here:

The Bing Image Search:

The google image search:

I thought I was mistaken the first time but this has happened more than once. Time to send Google a message loud and clear. Stop manipulating web search searches for your own profit. Google doesn't like Yahoo!, which owns flickr, so they will use their misbegotten power over the Internet to wield undue influence on the websites we go to.

Via Flickr:
The toy was invented and developed by naval engineer Richard James in the early 1940s and demonstrated at Gimbels department store in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in November 1945

Slinky Jingle:

What walks down stairs, alone or in pairs, and makes a slinkity sound?
A spring, a spring, a marvelous thing!
Everyone knows it's Slinky.
It's Slinky, it's Slinky, it's fun, it's a wonderful toy.
It's Slinky, it's Slinky, it's fun, it's a wonderful toy.
It's fun for a girl or a boy.

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