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Sunday, March 6, 2011

The New American Taliban: The Republican Party

It's incredible that even Republican Party Members don't agree with their own "leaders". Meanwhile on the Hill the Repukelicans continue to obstruct Obama and a certain governor from Wisconsin wants to take rights away from workers. The Republican party is all about the need of the wealthy to live off our backs in perpetuity. Why are the states all in seven digit budget deficits? Because the wealthy have not been paying their fair share for a long time. It's time to give up the fallacy that giving them tax breaks will somehow encourage them to hire and pay a decent wage. It's not going to happen. How else did they all get to accumulate about 70 percent of the wealth?
See this enlightening blog entry for further revelations:

The Rag Blog: Ted McLaughlin : Americans Don't Want to Gamble With Social Security