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Saturday, April 16, 2011

General Electric: Greedy Enough?

Tax Day has been postponed for the rest of us until April 18th, 2011 but for General Electric, with its offshore accounts and numerous tax loopholes it has been postponed forever. Shouldn't even the members of the Tea Party be clamoring for them to pay their fair share? According to the NY Times G.E. claimed a tax benefit of $3.2 billion.

General could do a great service to millions of Americans suffering from unemployment, underemployment and threat of death due to inadequate healthcare. They could put BILLIONS into the coffers of the US treasury to provide much needed relief. Some say they shouldn't be obligated to provide anything for their fellow Americans. Should we rely upon their generosity when Corporations such as GE have proven otherwise? The blood of Millions of Americans is on their hands. It's time for a speedy trial of these tax evading Corporations.

Michael Moore and MoveOn certainly know this needs to be done.