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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Apple Iphone 4: Try And Catch The Rainbow

Radio Shack and Apple want us all to be so desperate to get the Iphone 4 that they've manufactured scarcity for the product. Hence the long lines in front of the Apple stores and Radio Shack for this much sought after commodity. I pity the fools who are up at 7am to line up and present this picture of psuedo popularity of the Iphone. When are people going to realize they've been duped once again?

So if people step up to a Radio Shack today or tomorrow they're going to see this and go into panic mode. It's a setup folks. Apple has made certain that scarcity proves demand thus playing a psychological game with us to promote their product. I for one could care less to own an I-Phone. I've used my friends a couple of times and both she and I find it quite annoying how it is very easy to make a mistake and touch the wrong area of the screen. Touch screens are not all they're cracked up to be.

The fact that AT&T is the sole carrier for the I-Phone is also worrisome and people don't realize just how bad the service is. They can't even provide a proper 3G network much less reduce the number of dropped calls on the network. Verizon is no better with their customer service being as bad or worse than Dell computers. That company has an exclusive contract to be the carrier of the phone. Is this all the makings of a very bad trend?

Monday, June 14, 2010

British Petroleum Has A Tarnished Image

The oil spill in the Gulf Of Mexico could have been prevented.

Will you look at the price of gas? It's going up again and is the media talking about it?

I considered a boycott of BP gas stations however BP doesn't own most of them and are planning to sell of most of them. The people that work for BP branded gas stations need to feed their families too. A boycott would not hurt BP in the least. A call to major investors to divest themselves of BP stock may be more effective in sending a strong message of disapproval to British Petroleum.