Where Were You On September 11? So Osama Bin Laden is dead. Long awaited relief is there for some but others may only be glad that the Royal Wedding and Lindsay Lohan's legal foibles are off the front page. Yet this story has filled the entire newscast of NPRs morning edition to the loss of anything else. The alien invaders from the Antares Nebula could invade the Earth and I doubt anyone would notice.
Via Flickr:
Where were you on September 11th?
05/1/11 is May day, a day to celebrate. Osama Bin Laden is dead! Can the victims rest a little easier tonight? I doubt it. They still have loved ones to mourn. Yet a great source of evil has finally been brought to justice by the US Navy Seals.
"We have no one to blame for this filthy, dirty rotten system but ourselves" -------------------------Dorothy Day
Links To my 23HQ photo pages
Monday, May 2, 2011
Where Were You On September 11?
Saturday, April 16, 2011
General Electric: Greedy Enough?
Tax Day has been postponed for the rest of us until April 18th, 2011 but for General Electric, with its offshore accounts and numerous tax loopholes it has been postponed forever. Shouldn't even the members of the Tea Party be clamoring for them to pay their fair share? According to the NY Times G.E. claimed a tax benefit of $3.2 billion.
General could do a great service to millions of Americans suffering from unemployment, underemployment and threat of death due to inadequate healthcare. They could put BILLIONS into the coffers of the US treasury to provide much needed relief. Some say they shouldn't be obligated to provide anything for their fellow Americans. Should we rely upon their generosity when Corporations such as GE have proven otherwise? The blood of Millions of Americans is on their hands. It's time for a speedy trial of these tax evading Corporations.
Michael Moore and MoveOn certainly know this needs to be done.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
The New American Taliban: The Republican Party
It's incredible that even Republican Party Members don't agree with their own "leaders". Meanwhile on the Hill the Repukelicans continue to obstruct Obama and a certain governor from Wisconsin wants to take rights away from workers. The Republican party is all about the need of the wealthy to live off our backs in perpetuity. Why are the states all in seven digit budget deficits? Because the wealthy have not been paying their fair share for a long time. It's time to give up the fallacy that giving them tax breaks will somehow encourage them to hire and pay a decent wage. It's not going to happen. How else did they all get to accumulate about 70 percent of the wealth?
See this enlightening blog entry for further revelations:
The Rag Blog: Ted McLaughlin : Americans Don't Want to Gamble With Social Security
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Rep. Grayson: "I Apologize To The Dead For This Holocaust"
Let's not ever forget during this time when the Repukelicans want to repeal the Health Care law what their intentions are for the American People. They want us to die and end the surplus population. They want to continue to receive Government Health Care benefits for themselves and care nothing at all for the suffering of the rest of us. I call for recall elections of all these filthy, dirty rotten scoundrels. Barring that I call for the repeal of all their benefits so they can finally see what it's like to live with no health insurance and the outrageous price of medical care.